
Annual Fund

Every Calvary Student Benefits from the Annual Fund

The people, programs and facilities that make Calvary Christian School an exceptional education would not be possible without the commitment and financial support of the entire Calvary community.
The Calvary Annual Fund is an essential component of the financial health of the school. It is a part of our school’s formal financial strategy and it is a commitment made when enrolling children at Calvary Christian School. The Annual Fund allows families to make a tax-deductible contribution to their child’s education, in essence making a portion of tuition tax-deductible. 

We are thankful for the generous gifts from Calvary families for the Annual Fund! Our Annual Fund goal for the 2023/24 school year was $1,000,000. We are asking for 100% of participation from our parents, staff, faculty, and our Board of Trustees. This “tuition gap” translates to approximately $3,500 per student in TK-8th grade and $1,750 per child in Preschool 2, 3, & 4. While we recognize that individual giving will depend on each family’s financial situation, we ask for all members of our community to participate at a meaningful level.  Meeting our Annual Fund goal requires that we receive multiple gifts in the $10,000 to $30,000 range. As always, Annual Fund giving levels at Calvary Christian School are confidential and anonymous.

Please contact Krystal Shelton in our Business Office (310-573-0082 x102) if you would like to donate appreciated stock or other securities to Calvary, thus avoiding capital gains tax on the difference between the price you paid for the stock/securities and their current value the date the gift is made. Also, if you would like to give by a corporation matching gift, which can significantly increase your gift, please check with your Human Resources Department to get the details on the matching program for your firm. Then send or email the appropriate paperwork from your employer to Krystal Shelton ( and your gift will be matched according to your company's guidelines.

Annual Fund Progress Meter for 2023/24

  1. 100
  2. 90
  3. 80
  4. 70
  5. 60
  6. 50
  7. 40
  8. 30
  9. 20
  10. 10
  11. 0
Goal $1,000,000.00
Current $1,202,754.00
Participation Goal 100%
Current Participation: 55%
As of Date 5/17/2024
Calvary Christian School strives for 100% participation in the Annual Fund Campaign. Parents, grandparents, faculty, staff, administration, friends and alumni are encouraged to participate at a level at which they are comfortable giving. 
Gifts to the Calvary Annual Fund are put in place immediately and support all areas of the school – academics, arts and athletic programs, as well as student activities, faculty and staff salaries and professional development opportunities, tuition assistance, and facility enhancements.